«Se retiró la Agustina hecha un veneno»: «artículo determinado + antropónimo» en documentación judicial del siglo XVIII


  • María Teresa García Godoy
  • Miguel Calderón Campos
Keywords: definite article, proper name, corpora, witnesses statemens, 18th century


In this paper I will examine the use of the structure «definite article + proper name» (el Antonio) using a corpus of documents from the Kingdom of Granada (comprised of Granada, Malaga and Almeria) from the 18th century. The corpus is made up of twenty one witnesses statements from ten trials. Previous diachronical studies have shown that using a definite article before a person ́s name, as if to redefine them, is the speaker ́s way of expressing a negative opinion of that person. I want to test whether the examples found within our corpus also express this negative valoration. Apart from studying the structure «article + proper name», we analyse other structures with anthroponym also used to refer to the protagonists of the statements: «the aforementioned + proper name» (el dicho Juan Pérez), bare proper name (Juan Pérez), explicative apposition (Juan Pérez, alcalde del lugar) and restrictive apposition (el abogado Juan Pérez).


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How to Cite
García Godoy, M. T., & Calderón Campos, M. (2012). «Se retiró la Agustina hecha un veneno»: «artículo determinado + antropónimo» en documentación judicial del siglo XVIII. Journal of Linguistic Research, 15, 47–75. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ril/article/view/164581