La Voz de La Liberación en Guatemala y Radio Swan en las Islas del Cisne: los proyectos de propaganda de la CIA en Centroamérica


  • Jose Carlos Cardoza Portillo Universidad Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Keywords: Radiodifusión, Guerra Fría, Propaganda, CIA, Centroamérica

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad Nacional de Agricultura; Universidad Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo


The following article investigates the propaganda projects carried out by the U.S. government using radio platforms to prevent the advance of communist movements in Guatemala and counteract the influence of the Cuban Revolution in the region. This work is circumscribed as a historiographic effort to investigate and learn about important movements of the CIA in Latin America through the deployment of an information apparatus used as psychological warfare. The objective of the research is also to demonstrate how the context of the 1954 Radio Liberation in Guatemala served as a school for other propaganda movements such as Radio Swan from where the information for the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba was deployed, establishing a comparison at the end of the work, where some circumstances that led to success in Guatemala and failure in Cuba are explained. It is also circumscribed within the current analysis of the propaganda apparatuses that continue to mold minds in favor or against civilizing cultural projects.


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How to Cite
Cardoza Portillo, J. C. (2025). La Voz de La Liberación en Guatemala y Radio Swan en las Islas del Cisne: los proyectos de propaganda de la CIA en Centroamérica. Revista de Estudios Globales. Análisis Histórico y Cambio Social, 4(7).