Global dispute and expansion of China's military power in the 21st century


  • Fernando Romero Wimer
Keywords: China, Latin America, Caribbean, Military Issue, International Relations


The general objective of this text is to characterize the development of China's military capacity around the evolution of the spending of the armed forces, arms trade and martial cooperation so far in the 21st century, considering both the scenario of political dispute -military with American imperialism, such as the strategic objectives of the Asian power and the changes in its defense policy. Theoretically, a Marxist perspective is adopted that recovers the long tradition that considers that, since the watershed between the 19th and 20th centuries, inter-imperialist rivalry prevails as the central axis of global geopolitical struggles. Methodologically it is qualitative-quantitative research. Taking into account the period in question, through various sources a survey was carried out on the magnitude of military spending and commercial exchanges and cooperation on the same matter. The main conclusions show the successive increase in trade and personnel exchanges, donations of weapons and military equipment from China worldwide so far in the 21st century.


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How to Cite
Romero Wimer, F. (2024). Global dispute and expansion of China’s military power in the 21st century. Revista de Estudios Globales. Análisis Histórico y Cambio Social, 3(6).