You here still and silent. A reflection on the artivist conquest of visual discourse by five Colombian artists


Keywords: Colombian artists, artivist position, politics, critique, Art and politics, gender perspective


This article analyzes, from the specific cases of Colombian artists: Debora Arango, Clemencia Lucena, Beatriz Gonzalez, Maria Eugenia Trujillo and Nadia Granados, how through their artistic approaches, they have managed to conquer a critical position regarding social and political problems of the country, such as: violence, corruption and drug trafficking, demonstrating from their artivist position that their condition as women does not mean the silencing of their positions in this regard. Throughout this text, which gathers the results of the study, whose research methodology encompasses four approaches: contextual, iconographic, comparative and gender perspective. Check how the referenced works, dated between the 20th and 21st centuries, have not only presented their critical questions, but have managed to surpass, through their visual discourse, spaces of power and opinion previously occupied only by men and, in turn, From the exhibition spaces to the network, they have come to forcefully counteract the situation of invisibility and stereotyping of this group in the artistic environment.


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How to Cite
bautista santos, S. P. (2024). You here still and silent. A reflection on the artivist conquest of visual discourse by five Colombian artists. Art and Identity Policies, 31, 132–158.