Creation and diffusion in non-presence. The voice and the silence. A proposal for sound narration from a distances


  • Blanca Montalvo Gallego Universidad de Málaga
  • Javier Artero Flores Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: sound art, narration, journey, identity, virtual


We focus on the analysis of the work La voz y el silencio (The voice and the silence) (2022), a narrative based on creation and its dissemination in the non-presential. The project consists of a narration hosted in podcast format, which facilitates the individual experience of the listener, who can access its content from any time and place. We were inspired by some fragments of Homer’s Odyssey (8th century BC). The silence and seclusion have meant that, for centuries, travel and its stories have been a man’s business. Women’s stories are of no interest. Their adventures are small. They do not travel. In previous research we analyzed the relationship between space and narrative. Here we investigate more specifically the relationship between voice and silence, for which we have completely dispensed with the image and the space of representation. We have made sound recordings at different geographical points as well as along the paths that connect them. We have also included voices that read the text, and current sounds of the sea that joins or separates the shores. The editing and distribution process of La voz y el silencio has also been virtual.


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How to Cite
Montalvo Gallego, B., & Artero Flores, J. (2023). Creation and diffusion in non-presence. The voice and the silence. A proposal for sound narration from a distances. Art and Identity Policies, 29, 112–125.