Maternal textiles: A reflexive revolution of Latin American women in the face of social patriarchy


  • Belén León Río Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Migración, recycled art, textile art, symbol, femenine art


In this article we want to make known the creative and organizational process of activist art of Latin American women in whose experimental projects textile materials and techniques would be protagonists as a means of showing society their insubordination to the power of patriarchy and social injustice. These women who silently embroider in the streets the names of their murdered companions, who collect the garments of those disappeared migrants who plot fictions from the creative in search of their interiority, would focus our attention through these maternal textiles as emotional symbols impregnated by the energy of the new contemporary martyrs that are made visible through their artistic actions and the community of volunteers committed to these projects. They, like the great goddesses, would carry the cloak, the veil and in their hands the thread, the spindle and the distaff, thus presiding over the birth of forms, the passing of time and the fertile power of the goddess as a symbol of creation and of social transformation.


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How to Cite
León Río, B. (2022). Maternal textiles: A reflexive revolution of Latin American women in the face of social patriarchy. Art and Identity Policies, 26(26), 135–149.