La Barraca Transfronteriza. Cinematographic practices and politic of the exit at the Spanish Moroccan border


  • Marina Riera-Retamero Universitat de Barcelona
  • Ana Belén Estrada-Gorrín Universidad de Granada
Keywords: audiovisual collaborative practices, border, fiction, militant research, post-qualitative perspective


Which forms of political agency can cinematic fiction offer to the contemporary struggles for mobility rights? The purpose of this article is to shape specific angles for a theoretical proposal built during the trajectory of the audiovisual collective La Barraca Transfronteriza, in order to provide these processes with both a complex vision and a methodological reflection. In this paper we propose an inquiry of both methodological and historical references to synthesize the knowledge that emerges from specific political and cinematic practices by extrapolating them beyond the experiences and context in which they emerged. This paper does not aim however to manufacture recipes for creation, but rather approaching ethical issues in collaborative creation environments where the starting point is the unrepeatable and unattainable full awareness of the subjects involved in creation, by paying attention to the processes themselves as spaces of openness, to the modes of relationship from a political perspective, to the contexts and representations involved.


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How to Cite
Riera-Retamero, M., & Estrada-Gorrín, A. B. (2020). La Barraca Transfronteriza. Cinematographic practices and politic of the exit at the Spanish Moroccan border. Art and Identity Policies, 23(23), 247–262.