The ghostly archive. Notes on Maternity as (im) possibility in the artwork of Tracey Emin
The emergence of both the conceptual movement and the autobiographical discourse in the artistic sphere towards the
end of the sixties of the last century, entailed a split point that redefined the art work as information, significance, language and archive. In this context, the aim of this paper is to analyse the maternity as a trope that, historically, has articulated feminine reality through one brach of Tracey Emin´s artwork related to the construction of a ghostly archive about her pregnancies, her abortions and her unborned children.
Thus, from an analytical, sociological and gender critical approach, this paper ig going to analyze the perversión of the archive, memory and autobiography carried out by a ghostly narration, anchored between life and death that, paradoxically, for the artist will constitute the only way through which she can tolerate her traumatic reality.
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