The poetics of spirituality and the introspective in the work of Younes Rahmoun. He made a reading of Art distanced from the historicist canons


  • Yassine Chouati Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: art, otherness, self-representation, poetics, spirituality


The present study is formulated in a situation saturated with fixed and essentialist images of the Arab and Muslim individual, which tries to typify the difference in absolutes, without taking into account the existing diversity.In this sense, we propose to go beyond the usual historicist canon to be able to develop a specific analysis of the work of an non-western artist, who contradicts modern reason to reflect through art on the spiritual experience in the Muslim faith. It is, therefore, an approach to the work of the Moroccan artist Younes Rahmoun, built from an interdisciplinary perspective, in which we analyze the relationships between his artistic discourse, his spiritual convictions and his life experience.
For this, by way of contextualization, we define the underlying reasons behind the aesthetic-conceptual and narrative choices used by Rahmoun. Indeed, we start from the conviction that we are not facing an artistic experience isolated from its cultural, social, political, economic, historical and cultural reality; but a continuity integrated in the context, which works in harmony with existing styles, reflections and ways of life in the local and global environment.


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How to Cite
Chouati, Y. (2020). The poetics of spirituality and the introspective in the work of Younes Rahmoun. He made a reading of Art distanced from the historicist canons. Art and Identity Policies, 22, 11–34.