Difficulties in the record and transmission of a fugaz art.
Since the second half of 20th century, artistic interventions have become independent of the jaded and constant aesthetic, mimetic and mathematical components. The impossibility of guarding the work as an object demands new mechanisms that register an art as changing as it is capricious. With the advances in technology, digital photography and innovations in the field of art, artists will begin to record their interventions, using cameras and small recordings to immortalize their works. We dedicate this research to work through a representation of emerging authors, difficulties in the registration of artistic works characterized by their intangibility.
The challenge is served, any person or entity linked to the artistic, faces the difficult task of registering to preserve the immortality of the artistic event. These innovative and fleeting categories implicitly involve the participatory condition of the viewer, space as a continent and content of the work, time, extinction of materials, action, displacement, loss of the uniqueness of art, as well as its accelerated dematerialization Conditions and aspects that make art an “art-event”, predisposed by the space-time condition to its expiration, modification or disappearance.
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