Dona-Arbre [Woman-Tree] by Fina Miralles: Gleaning Corporeal Knowledge.


  • Vara Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec (Canadá) y Universitat Jaume I, Castellón (España)
Keywords: body, Fina Miralles, kinestesic knowledge, kinestesic empathy, environment, corporeal, corporeal agency, feminist itervention


In this article I claim that Dona-Arbre [Woman-Tree] by Fina Miralles from the series Traslacions, is part from a sequence of exercises and practices experienced during her performance work in which the body is increasingly perceived and experienced. All them are exercises in a search for the body in connection with its environment and with herself. It precedes her later focus on the body where there is a more overtly feminist political intervention. I argue that an exploratory method of the environment and the body starts with Dona-Arbre, and that this method is valuable to a feminist politics that begins from a somatic self-knowledge. Based on embodied methodologies, research-creation and kinesthetic
empathy, I engage with feminist theories of embodiment and agency, and take on Carrie Noland’s concept of kinesthesia to elaborate on the specific strategies in Dona-Arbre such as the still body, kinesthesia and micro-movements. I read them as a subtle resistance and pivotal instruments for building corporeal agency in the context of the acute restrictions on body politics during the Franco dictatorship.


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How to Cite
Vara. (2019). Dona-Arbre [Woman-Tree] by Fina Miralles: Gleaning Corporeal Knowledge. Art and Identity Policies, 21, 96–119.