Sensitive Material. A participatory photography project that showcases the experience of people who have suffered sexual abuse in childhood.


  • Mireia Plans Farrero Universitat de Barcelona
Keywords: participatory photography, sexual abuse, intimacy, community arts, creative process, identity story


Material sensible is a participatory photography project with people who have been sexually abused in their childhood and receive therapeutic support. The project is based on the Punt de Vista methodology, using photography as a tool for personal transformation and social inclusion, aimed at groups and people at risk of social vulnerability, which are not visible in predominant discourses. Through accompaniment and immersion in a creative process that uses intimacy as a reference, it connects image, memory, identity, everyday life and representation. Each participant recovers emotions and fragments of their personal history - often silenced - by reconstructing their own visual narrative. The project ends with a collective exhibition resulting from the creative process of each participant, which helps to strengthen the identity, generate new stories and raise awareness.
of an unspoken subject such as child sexual abuse.


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How to Cite
Plans Farrero, M. (2019). Sensitive Material. A participatory photography project that showcases the experience of people who have suffered sexual abuse in childhood. Art and Identity Policies, 21, 29–51.