Queer Game Scene

Mainstream Fractures and Raids on the Indie Scene


  • Tatiana Sentamans Universidad Miguel Hernández
  • Mario-Paul Martínez Fabre Universidad Miguel Hernández
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/284391
Keywords: Queer visual culture, Queer Videogames, Indie, Mainstream, Gaymer scene, Interactivity, Narratives.


Visibility and settlement of the LGTBQI community in the digital playful space is still far from achieving what has been reached in other areas of culture such as film, music or art. However, for more than a decade, the official video game market has begun to include in their products, queer characters, references and narratives with a certain depth. Meanwhile, movements emerged within the indie scene as the queer game scene or the gaymer movement, and independent developers like Anna Antrhopy or Mattie Brice have also initiated an important process of visibility and vindication. To better understand these changes, clichés, aesthetics, narratives, rhetorics, mechanics, politics, market, public and communities, are reviewed in this text in an interleaved chronological journey, ranging from the mainstream to independent sphere.


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How to Cite
Sentamans, T., & Martínez Fabre, M.-P. (2017). Queer Game Scene: Mainstream Fractures and Raids on the Indie Scene. Art and Identity Policies, 15(15), 19–38. https://doi.org/10.6018/284391