Healing the Wound: Dominican Citizenship. Rita Indiana’s Multimedia Project.


  • Lina Martínez Hernández Universidad de Pensilvania
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/250891
Keywords: Rita Indiana Hernández, Dominican Republic, Haiti, juxtaposition, remediation, multimedia.


In this article I argue that the various components in Rita Indiana Hernández’ multimedia project can be read as a critical intervention in the debates regarding citizenship and territorial frontiers between the Dominican Republic and Haiti. My reading postulates that through the use of juxtaposition and (re)mediation – transitioning from one form of audiovisual media to another- Rita’s project can be understood as an exploration of the discursive possibilities and critiques within national confines, as well as a response to global artistic networks of production and circulation. As a national and transnational critical intervention, Rita’s work also elaborates a critique of the racialized nature of the national discourse on dominicanness, as well as of ethnicized economic and cultural neoliberal forms of production. The so-called “Haitian problem” becomes an epicenter in Rita’s work. In it different imaginaries, practices and identities converge and generate the retroactive construction of citizenship, meaning that it occurs as a constant oscillation between the legacy of the historical past and the demands of the present.


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How to Cite
Martínez Hernández L. (2016). Healing the Wound: Dominican Citizenship. Rita Indiana’s Multimedia Project. Art and Identity Policies, 13(13), 37–58. https://doi.org/10.6018/250891

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