Art and Marketing: Interdisciplinary Efforts for a Culture of Social and Environmental Awareness


  • Elisaul Belis Paulino Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Art, advertising, social marketing, environmental awarness, photography


Based on theoretical references of Baudrillard, Kosuth, Debord, Kotler, Armstrong, Hagtvedt and Patrick, the current consumer society situation is discussed, as well as the initiatives that have been made to generate environmental awareness. It brings about the opportunity to join forces in disciplines such as Art and Marketing in order to establish proposals to help communicate socio-environmental issues.
Seeing cases of artists like Colbert and Jordan, and marketing campaigns such as Boxers and Cold meets silence, are intended to give an overview of how the disciplines of Art and Marketing express messages from different perspectives, but with common goals.


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How to Cite
Belis Paulino, E. (2014). Art and Marketing: Interdisciplinary Efforts for a Culture of Social and Environmental Awareness. Art and Identity Policies, 10, 155–172. Retrieved from