Bioart: Between Technological Dazzle and Critical Look


  • José Albelda Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  • Serena Pisano Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Keywords: Bioart, ecological ethics, transgenic art, Eduardo Kac, Critical Art Ensemble


The article analyses the works and arguments of artists belonging to bioart and transgenic art, among them Eduardo Kac, Critical Art Ensemble, Natalie Jeremijenko. In addition, it examines the contributions of theorists such as Sergio Roncallo, Jorge Riechmann and Carol Gigliotti. It takes a stand in the ethical debate about bioart, in order to investigate the implications of the art performed by means of biotechnologies from the ecological ethics point of view. In some cases it is possible to detect an aprioristic faith in the new technologies and the use of public debate as an instrument, in other cases the artworks claim to be based on ecological concerns, not always with convincing results.


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How to Cite
Albelda, J., & Pisano, S. (2014). Bioart: Between Technological Dazzle and Critical Look. Art and Identity Policies, 10, 113–134. Retrieved from