The Use of Art Therapy with Alzheimer’s Patients. The Experience of AlzheimUr Foundation


  • Patricia Forcén Scheu
  • Borja Morgado Aguirre
Keywords: therapy, art, memory, oblivion, stimulus, identity


The current article intends to do an analysis on the benefits of artistic therapies for patients suffering from Alzheimer. This illness, since it produces serious damages in some areas of their brain, provokes that the patients forget important moments in their lives, losing even their own identity. Through different artistic ways of acting, it has been proved that as the memory is stimulated, new neuronal connections can be created favoring in this way the functioning of their memory.


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How to Cite
Forcén Scheu, P., & Morgado Aguirre, B. (2011). The Use of Art Therapy with Alzheimer’s Patients. The Experience of AlzheimUr Foundation. Art and Identity Policies, 4, 153–162. Retrieved from