Art as a Possible Language for People with Disabilities


  • Ana María Ballesta
  • Onil Vizcaíno
  • Eva Cristina Mesas
Keywords: art, integration, divers capacities, creativity, art brut, contemporary dance, art therapies


This magazine article tries to base and realize a historical tour across the new sensibilities of the art from the 20th century and the beginning of the Art as therapy, a common space for the art and the disability. Likewise it tries to document the result of 20 years of research and work with the arts, and principally the plastic arts and the contemporary dance, with a group integrated by persons with Down’s syndrome and other mental disabilities belonging to ASSIDO’s labour center (Association for persons with Down’s syndrome and other intellectual disabilities).


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How to Cite
Ballesta, A. M., Vizcaíno, O., & Mesas, E. C. (2011). Art as a Possible Language for People with Disabilities. Art and Identity Policies, 4, 137–152. Retrieved from