Reactivating Imagination: Experience-based Educational Practices at the CA2M


  • Pablo Martínez
Keywords: Education, Imagination, Video Literacy, Body, Contemporary Art


Through this text we will introduce some of the goals and main working lines at CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, the contemporary art center of the region of Madrid. In a context defined by contemporary art and its geographic location at Móstoles, a city in the metropolitan area of Madrid, far from any touristic focus, the museum reveals itself as an ideal framework for re- thinking today’s education –after all, aesthetic actions can shape experience and induce new forms of political subjectivity.

Unlike other strategies of critical pedagogies which lead us to a dead end, we think that the work based on the potential of imagination becomes essential in this time of crisis. In our opinion, this needed reactivation can only be achieved through and from aesthetic experience and body. In this sense, the creation and consolidation of horizontal flexible and long lasting relationships based on the dialogue with all the people involved in the educational processes along with an ongoing revision of formats become the main tools of a positioned and committed educational practice. Because critic without imagination becomes negation, we have to propose alternative worlds to the imposed reality. And these worlds must be dreamt of before.


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How to Cite
Martínez, P. (2011). Reactivating Imagination: Experience-based Educational Practices at the CA2M. Art and Identity Policies, 4, 11–22. Retrieved from