Family Tree Builder as a possible tool for the construction of genealogical tree.

Practical example of the Tacón and Herves family.


  • Lorena Martínez Solís Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Genealogía, programa informático genealógico, Family Tree Builder


This article aims to approximate the concept and the use of genealogy as a way of discovering the kinship and the history of a family and, even, of the society. We use a computer genealogical program for this which will have to be chosen according to certain characteristics, such as the application Family Tree Builder made by the company To finish, we propose a practical example of how to create the genealogical tree of the Tacón and Herves family, using the aforementioned genealogical software.


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How to Cite
Martínez Solís, L. (2009). Family Tree Builder as a possible tool for the construction of genealogical tree.: Practical example of the Tacón and Herves family. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (2). Retrieved from
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