Will the future be gender-less? Key note to reflect about a society without sex an gender stereotypes


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/iqual.467071
Keywords: género, identidad, registro, encasillamientos, sexo

Supporting Agencies

  • Maestría Estudios y Pol´íticas de G´´énero
  • Universidad de Tres de Febrero


This article discusses about the category “sex” in the argentine identity card. Considering the queer and trans theory, it looks foward to the possibility of modifying this category to create a society free from gender clasifications. It considers different interpretations to argue about the construction of identity after the Gender Identity Law in Argentina was sanctioned en 2012, its goals and limitations and the possibility of imagining a society that breaks with binary categorizations. It uses a couple of examples from trans and non binary people in Argentina that managed to make changes in their ID, being able to register themselves without having to chose between female or male.


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How to Cite
Grinstein, V. (2022). Will the future be gender-less? Key note to reflect about a society without sex an gender stereotypes. iQual. Revista de Género e Igualdad, (5), 116–126. https://doi.org/10.6018/iqual.467071