«I belive you». Sex-stereotypes to sexual assault victims. A case study for the Balearic court (2018)


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/iqual.442801
Keywords: Agresión sexual, credibilidad víctimas, estereotipos, mitos de la violación, impunidad

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid


The credibility of victims of sexual assault is often questioned by some of the professionals who prosecute sexual crime. Often this skepticism is based on the persistence of sexist stereotypes. One of them refers to what is understood to be a "real violation." In the collective imagination, the myth survives that real rape involves the participation of an armed stranger, who attacks a woman violently at night, causing serious injuries to the victims. This article, which is presented as an exploratory case study, examines judicial decisions, issued by the Provincial Court of the Balearic Islands in 2018 and which issue an acquittal to the defendants. The study analyzes four factors, which in other empirical investigations had been identified as predictors of impunity: the link between the victim and the accused, the violence of the attack, the character of the victim before and after the sexual assault, and asymmetries in the burden of proof. The findings corroborate the persistence of gender stereotypes.


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19-02-2021 — Updated on 24-02-2021
How to Cite
Ballesteros Doncel, E., & Blanco Moreno, F. (2021). «I belive you». Sex-stereotypes to sexual assault victims. A case study for the Balearic court (2018). iQual. Revista de Género e Igualdad, (4), 89–108. https://doi.org/10.6018/iqual.442801