Women, defenders of equality and care for nature


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/iqual.428751
Keywords: Estado de derecho, mujeres, feminismo, justicia social, justicia ecológica, ecofeminismo

Supporting Agencies

  • UMU


: In the modern origin of the Rule of Law, the Rechtsstaat formula, women were excluded from its philosophical, legal and political dimension, they were denied the value and sufficient ethical condition to be bearers of rights, that is, subjects of rights. This prompted action by women to analyze their situation and defend their value and rights in conditions of equality and non-discrimination with men. The advance of the feminist movement from the 18th century, when women were expelled from the political Assembly, the seed of the first declaration of human rights, to the second half of the 20th century, when they were universally recognized as full subject of rights, shows the continuous philosophical-legal development of the conscience of humanity, of ethics and of human rights. The current feminist legal thinking, from the development of social and ecological justice, recognizes the threat of ecological reality and the reality of women, it implies alternative proposals of life on Earth based on social and ecological sustainability, in the fight against violence and in the participation of women in decision-making. This new integrative perspective of a divided world is defended by ecofeminism.


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Author Biography

Teresa Vicente Giménez, Universidad de Murcia

Departamento Fundamento del Orden Jurídico y Constitucional


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19-02-2021 — Updated on 24-02-2021
How to Cite
Vicente Giménez, T. (2021). Women, defenders of equality and care for nature. iQual. Revista de Género e Igualdad, (4), 35–59. https://doi.org/10.6018/iqual.428751