Trafficking children in the international legal instruments: progresses and pending challenges


  • Josune López Rodríguez Universidad de Deusto
  • Demelsa Benito Sánchez
Keywords: children, international legal instruments, human rights, trafficking, exploitation

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Trafficking in children is a worldwide phenomenon that violates the human rights of the victims. In order to combat it, several international and regional organisations have adopted a number of binding legal instruments that impose States certain obligations. This paper analyses the way these instruments have addressed this phenomenon, in order to detect the most important progresses and pending challenges. To that end, this paper stems from the study of the concept of trafficking in children. Then, it analyses the international and regional legal instruments adopted during most than one century, paying special attention to the three most relevant: the Palermo Protocol, the Warsaw Convention, and the Directive 2011/36/EU. From this study, the paper underlines the most important progresses in this field and it also emphasizes the pending challenges regarding a more effective fight against this phenomenon. Finally, the paper offers the main conclusions of the study.


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How to Cite
López Rodríguez, J., & Benito Sánchez, D. (2019). Trafficking children in the international legal instruments: progresses and pending challenges. iQual. Revista de Género e Igualdad, (2), 41–72.