Engagement and commitment in nurses: associated sociodemographic and labour variables
Supporting Agencies
- Universidad de Zaragoza. Departamento de Psicología y Sociología
Objectives: To determine the level of engagement and its relation with six areas of work life in nursing professionals in the city of Huesca, Spain and its association with socio-demographic and labour variables.Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, which involved 305 nurses. Descriptive analysis, bivariate correlations and parametric tests, ANOVA and T-Student.
Results: Most participants were women, with children and a partner, with a mean age of 44.98 years (SD 10.86). 35.4% of the sample had high levels of engagement (high levels of energy, involvement and effectiveness). Civil status, employment status of the partner and chronic diseases were related to levels of effectiveness; leisure activities were related to energy levels and involvement. The assessment of the labour climate is related to allthree areas of engagement; age, time in the work unit, years working as a nurse and time in a management position are related to involvement.
Conclusions: The study population has high levels of work engagement and consistency between the subscales of working life and the organization, with the exception of the subscale of fairness, since individuals surveyed believe that the organization treats them unfairly.
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- Medias y Desviaciones típicas de las sub-escalas (Español (España))
- Relaciones significativas entre sub-escalas engagement y las sub-escalas de las Seis áreas de la vida laboral con las variables socio-personales y laborales (T-Student) (Español (España))
- Correlaciones entre las sub-escalas del engagement y las variables socio-demográficas y laborales (Español (España))
- Correlaciones entre las sub-escalas de las Seis Áreas de la Vida Laboral y las variables laborales (Español (España))
- Regresión lineal entre las sub-escalas de las Seis Áreas de la Vida Laboral y su contribución a las sub-escalas de Energía. Eficacia e Implicación (Español (España))
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