Choosing Teaching as a career: an analysis of temporal trends and incidence of gender and degree


Keywords: Reasons, choice, degrees, teachers, nursery, primary, gender


Choosing a university degree is a complex process influenced by different variables. This study reports on the reasons provided by students at the Universitat de València to enrol in the Infant and Primary Education degrees during the last decade. This study also identifies possible differences in the motives over time and depending on the degree and gender. Using as a tool for collecting data a questionnaire adapted from existing research in the Spanish context, the motivations of a total of 769 students of these degrees, collected in three stages, were analysed. The outcome allows us to detect that the motivations of the students to choose this kind of Degrees are fundamentally intrinsic, regardless of the moment, the gender of the participants and the degree. However, extrinsic motivations, which are the second most referred to in the case of men, decrease over time, while transcendent ones, the second most referred to type of motivation by women, increase as the decade progresses. These results can help to understand why the demand for these degrees is high and the dropout rate is very low.


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How to Cite
Marín Suelves, D., García Tort, E., & Gabarda Méndez, V. (2021). Choosing Teaching as a career: an analysis of temporal trends and incidence of gender and degree. Educatio Siglo XXI, 39(2), 301–324.