How to Improve Learning in the Logical-Mathematic Area from the Analysis of the Infant Education Official Curriculum


  • María del Carmen Chamorro Plaza
Keywords: Infantile Education, currículum, logicianmathematics, significant learning.


Study about structure and suitability of educational currículum plays an essential role in the learning improvement of any area of knowledge. This paper shows an analysis about the features and psychological aspects of children development in order to improve the current teaching on logical and mathematical area in Infantile Education. These aspects must be considered in the design of the currículum and the contents selection in order to achieve
a significant knowledge construction. Logical and mathematical contents in infantile levels have been studied too in this work with the purpose of show the disconnection between them and the methodological proposed orientations found in the own currículum.


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Author Biography

María del Carmen Chamorro Plaza

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
How to Cite
Chamorro Plaza, M. del C. (2011). How to Improve Learning in the Logical-Mathematic Area from the Analysis of the Infant Education Official Curriculum. Educatio Siglo XXI, 29(2), 23–40. Retrieved from