Floridablanca and History Teaching at Primary and Secondary Education: a Didactic Proposal


  • Sebastián Molina Puche
Keywords: Educational innovation, didactics of the History, anniversaries and commemorations, Primary Education, Secondary Education.


It is not necessary doubt that the acts and events of commemoration of historical relevant facts, as the realized ones last year on the occasion of the celebration, among other anniversary, the beginning of the War of Independence, offer a very valuable opportunity to the teacher to approach, of different form, the treatment of certain facts, ages or historical problematics. In this article there are realized two didactic offers (one for Primary and one for High School Level) in which there are tried to take advantage the “popularity” reached by certain events or historical prominent figures (in this case, the count of Floridablanca, object of numerous commemorative acts in the Region of Murcia last year 2008), to realize an educational treatment that, taking this motive of celebration as a central and principal element, it facilitates to obtain the historical contents that appear in the curricula.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Molina Puche

Universidad de Murcia
How to Cite
Molina Puche, S. (2009). Floridablanca and History Teaching at Primary and Secondary Education: a Didactic Proposal. Educatio Siglo XXI, 27(2), 191–206. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/91071