Violent Videogames and Its Incidence on Education on Values: Education Centres as Peace-Promoting Agencies


  • José Antonio Ortega Carrillo
  • Juan Antonio Fuentes Esparell
Keywords: Video-games, physical and psychological violence, values, ethical education and citizen, culture of peace.


A high percentage of existing market videogames have arguments relating to the exercise of physical and psychological violence. Studies show that this type of games are massively used by children and adolescents, what reopens the controversy on the possible influence in shaping of their personality and, in particular in the construction of the scale of values that guide their present and future conduct as citizens.
This work contains partial results of a recent investigation in which adult players relating to the world of education (future teachers in training) analyzed critically the axiological component of a very important group of video-games which are important in the sales lists. For that purpose, a very specific scale has been used, with indicators related to the argument, the initial and final videos, the protagonists’s behaviour, the scenography, clothes, actions and partial and final results obtained by players.


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How to Cite
Ortega Carrillo, J. A., & Fuentes Esparell, J. A. (2009). Violent Videogames and Its Incidence on Education on Values: Education Centres as Peace-Promoting Agencies. Educatio Siglo XXI, 27(2), 119–146. Retrieved from