Sustainability and Peak Oil Production in a Course for Teachers


  • Fernando Ballenilla García de Gamarra
Keywords: Psicopedagogy, didactic model, teaching training, hypothesis of progression, diary of the teacher, routines, grafo, peak oil, zenith, tip, petroleum, energy, resources, sustainability.


The present article deals with how the problematic of the sustainability, associated to the peak oil production was approached, with a group of teachers, during the development of the subjet of Curricular Intervention in the Education of Sciences, that is distributed in the Faculty of Education of the University of Alicante. This subjet comprises of the degree of Psicopedagogía, studies to which it is acceded from the teacher degree, which also they are attended in the same faculty


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Author Biography

Fernando Ballenilla García de Gamarra

Universidad de Alicante
How to Cite
Ballenilla García de Gamarra, F. (2007). Sustainability and Peak Oil Production in a Course for Teachers. Educatio Siglo XXI, 25, 69–106. Retrieved from