ADESGA: The Implication of a Local Community in the Management of a ZEPA through Environmental Education. Evolution and Challenges


  • Antonio Soler Valcárcel Presidente de ADESGA
  • Virginia Pina Mingorance Coordinadora del Área de Educación Ambiental de ADESGA
Keywords: Association, Environmental education, Citizen participation, Activities, Sustainability


In this paper we describe an experience in environmental education which took place in a local community. First we provide a detailed analysis of the evolution of the experience from the initial spreading of ideas to the current more consolidated programs, some of them developed in collaboration with public entities which have allowed our association to get involved in the management of some protected areas. Secondly, we evaluate the results of the activities implemented and assess their relevance as related to conservation. Finally, we discuss the challenges that ADESGA should face so as to increase the protection and sustainable development of ZEPA by encouraging people’s participation.


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How to Cite
Soler Valcárcel, A., & Pina Mingorance, V. (2007). ADESGA: The Implication of a Local Community in the Management of a ZEPA through Environmental Education. Evolution and Challenges. Educatio Siglo XXI, 25, 107–122. Retrieved from