Planetary Emergency: the Need for a Global Approach


  • Amparo Vilches Universidad de Valencia
  • Daniel Gil Pérez Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: Planetary emergency, Citizen Education, STSE (Science-Technology-Society-Environment) relationships, Sustainability, Human Rights.


Environmental degradation has hit newspaper front pages and editorials and citizen claims are beginning to multiply. Everything seems to indicate that awareness is growing progressively. However, there is still a serious lack of understanding, with a strong tendency towards partial approaches and causal reductionism, ignoring how closely related the problems are and the need to tackle them together. The aim of this paper is precisely to show how the problems that characterise the current situation of planetary emergency are related and also that they are not restricted to “climatic change” nor can they be solved by simply reducing CO2 emissions. We will attempt, therefore, to provide a complete and organized panoramic view of the situation, its causes and the measures to be adopted, in order to contribute to a better approach towards citizen sustainability education


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How to Cite
Vilches, A., & Gil Pérez, D. (2007). Planetary Emergency: the Need for a Global Approach. Educatio Siglo XXI, 25, 19–49. Retrieved from