Hybridation and Transdisciplinariry in the Plastic Arts.


  • Betania Barbosa Becerra de Souza
Keywords: Hybridation, transdisciplination, plastic arts, expression, interpretation, understanding, creation, methodology.


In the processes of rupture of the creation like in which we were at the present time, the hybridation is a key-concept, talks about the techniques not like closed systems, but like preliminary mechanisms for the creation by crossations between the different processes from creation: engraving and printing systems, drawing, painting, sculpture, photograph, digital art, etc. Another concept-key that walks in parallel with the hybridation concept: is the transdisciplination.
Way to think, where the only transformed into the manifold, one is the whole. The hybridation and the transdisciplination originate coexistence areas, generating encounter of connections between different registries, as much in which it talks about traditional contemporary techniques like the traditional technical.
Originating loans, appropriations, contaminations and crossations between the technical procedures and the methodologies to be created and to be developed. Already in the artistic creation the ways to express, to interpret and to understand the creative process the not more are rooted to a discipline or specific technique, isolated of the other disciplines as it used to happen previously. Generating the enrichment in the creative process, extending the creative horizons not only of the artists, but also of the pupils in all the stages of its education.


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Author Biography

Betania Barbosa Becerra de Souza

Universidad de Granada
How to Cite
Barbosa Becerra de Souza, B. (2009). Hybridation and Transdisciplinariry in the Plastic Arts. Educatio Siglo XXI, 27(1), 217–230. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/71151