Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Academic Literacy: A Systematic Review
Generative Artificial Intelligence is compelling significant academic and educational transformations. This paper aims to analyze published empirical studies on this tool to examine its trends, approaches, and methodologies within the educational and academic spheres. To achieve this goal, a systematized methodology was adopted, adhering to the guidelines set out in the PRISMA 2020 statement and the Framework ReSiste-CHS. The search for studies was conducted in the Web of Science and Scopus databases through a process based on the Framework FDC equation. Following the search, identification, selection, eligibility, and inclusion process, a sample corpus of 15 studies was obtained. These have been categorized through an inductive process by the program. In this context, the analysis has focused on the objectives, methodological approach, and achieved results. The findings highlight research lines centered around the creation of ethical standards, the accuracy of the information provided, and effective collaboration between educators and developers. Moreover, the importance of making periodic adjustments to the tactics used to ensure the effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence is emphasized, with special attention given to addressing and enhancing strategies to mitigate any form of distortion or bias in the information managed by these technologies.
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