Dislexia Screening Scale (EDDIX) in Primary Education. Elaboration and validation


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.605491
Keywords: literary skills, dyslexia, screening, primary education, CFA


Dyslexia is the learning disorder with the greatest impact in the school population, 5-15% (APA, 2023). For its detection and evaluation, the tests in Spain are very scarce, for this reason a rapid detection scale for dyslexia in children from 6 to 12 years old has been prepared and validated for Primary teachers. The study carried out is exploratory - descriptive. In the validation, expert judgment was used, and the pilot was carried out, obtaining the first version. The scale was applied to 288 subjects in the Community of Madrid. Data were analyzed with SPSS (28.0), Jamovi (2.3.13), R (4.2.1.) and JASP (0.16.4.). An Exploratory Data Analysis was performed. The univariate analysis (Kolmogorov-Smirnov with the Lilliefors correction) reported that the distribution does not follow normality. Polychoric correlations were calculated, reducing the number of items to 29 of the 37 proposed. In the multivariate analysis, multivariate normality (Henze-Zirkler) was calculated, rejecting it. Atypical cases (Mahalanobis distance) were studied, resulting in 173 outliers. Overall reliability and by dimensions were analyzed. The results achieved in global reliability (ω = .98) demonstrate its high internal consistency. Likewise, in the seven dimensions, acceptable levels are obtained (ω ≥ .80). The validity, analyzed with a Confirmatory Factor Analysis, reported very satisfactory results (CFI = .99; TLI = .99; RMSEA = .07; SRMR = .04). The scale meets the methodological properties required to be considered valid and reliable for detecting students with suspected dyslexia in Primary.


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How to Cite
Moreno Jusdado, D., Ramos Alía, J. F., & Ruiz de Miguel, C. (2025). Dislexia Screening Scale (EDDIX) in Primary Education. Elaboration and validation. Educatio Siglo XXI, 43(1), 101–120. https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.605491