Digital diet in university students: reflections after a day of disconnection
The new generations develop their lives surrounded by different digital media, consuming and producing everything that increasingly refined algorithms put within their reach. In this context, proposals appear which seek to enhance citizens’ critical perspective and which are beginning to be put into practice in formal educational initiatives that raise awareness about consumption and digital dependence. This article sought to analyze the reflections of the students before an experience of “digital diet” (24 hours of disconnection), integrated in a subject of the Degree of Social Education during the academic year 2021/2022. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was proposed which aimed to analyze the educational possibilities of this proposal for raising awareness about the use of digital media. The results of this work revealed that an important part of the participating students failed to complete the challenge or showed symptoms associated with addiction. At the same time, the protagonists asserted the importance of ICT in different areas of their lives. Finally, the need to raise awareness among citizens through proposals such as the one analyzed in this study is highlighted.
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