Tutor competencies in the virtual teaching of differential equations for trainee engineers


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.578191
Keywords: Teacher, Webconference, Mathematics Education, Distance Learning, Grounded Theory, Teaching


The growth of virtual and distance education, driven by Information and Communication Technologies, has highlighted the significance of tutor competencies in this context. This study focuses on the competencies required to facilitate the learning of differential equations in synchronous sessions, as conducted by the National Open and Distance University. A questionnaire was administered to students who rated web conferences on a scale of 1 to 5, accompanied by an openended question justifying their rating. Using a qualitative approach, grounded theory was employed for data analysis, identifying two axial codes grouped under the nuclear category: “Technological and Human Resources for Facilitating the Learning of Differential Equations in Web Conferences.” The results emphasize the fact that tutors should have indepth knowledge of the subject, course experience, technological skills, and adequate prior preparation. This study highlights the relevance of tutor competencies in the virtual teaching of differential equations for engineering students, providing insights to enhance the quality of distance education.


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How to Cite
Lugo López, N. D., Barrera Buitrago , D. A. ., Baez Acevedo , J. S. ., & Bustos Rios, D. F. (2024). Tutor competencies in the virtual teaching of differential equations for trainee engineers. Educatio Siglo XXI, 42(2), 9–32. https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.578191