Relations and internal organization of the educational community to respond to students with Rare Diseases
This paper analyzes the relationships and internal organitation of the different sectors of the educational community in Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education centers, where good inclusive practices are developed with students who have to live with a rare, infrequent and unknown disease sometimes, that is, with rare diseases, from the different Autonomous Communities that have participated in the project. It is a multiple case study through qualitative research using different instruments: group, individual and focus group interviews to collect the voices of teachers, students and families in order to analyze the inclusive practices developed in the participating centers. The results show that the relationships that are created between the members of the educational community are satisfactory for the students, and are experienced by professionals and families as something fundamental and a benefit for the entire center; although greater support is still expected from other agents and external institutions for the acceptance of this student body from the social sphere and to facilitate the inclusive response that it deserves.
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