Developing inclusive processes as a response to the socio-educational needs of students with rare diseases


Keywords: inclusive processes, rare diseases, students, educational response


This article presents the results related to the educational processes that favor the inclusion of students with Rare Diseases. For this purpose, we analyze the teaching planning, the methodological variety, the type of grouping, the organization of spaces and times, the support, the evaluation, the school transitions and the coordination. The methodology used was qualitative through interviews with families, educational professionals and students with Rare Diseases. The results show the need to incorporate inclusive practices and processes that promote the presence, participation and achievement of all students without exclusions. In the good inclusive practices analyzed, the inclusion of students in the regular classroom also requires a global restructuring of the school to respond from the unit (as a whole) to the diversity of needs. In general, participatory, active and flexible methodologies, heterogeneous groups and cooperative groupings are used and combined at both the curricular and organizational levels. The organization of spaces and times is fundamental, trying to adapt them to comply with the rights so that they are physically and socially accessible to all students. Likewise, school transitions are planned in order to take care and guarantee that the new changes do not represent additional barriers and obstacles for students with RERD. In short, it is essential to plan and design processes that guarantee the inclusion of all students and respond to different needs.


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How to Cite
Berasategi Sancho, N., Castilla Mesa, M. T., Fernández Ranea, M. M., & Cortés Ramos, A. (2023). Developing inclusive processes as a response to the socio-educational needs of students with rare diseases. Educatio Siglo XXI, 41(3), 117–144.