Keys to develop inclusive learning contexts for students with rare diseases
In this article, of a theoretical nature, and based on a review of the scientific literature on the educational inclusion of students with Rare Diseases (RD) and the guidelines in the current framework for the development of an inclusive school, some keys are presented for the development of inclusive educational contexts that favour the learning and development of students with RD. An inclusive school is one that moves towards school success and combines quality with equity by developing an inclusive, participatory culture that recognises and respects diversity and promotes human differences as a value and a human right. The school system advances in inclusive practices to the extent that it overcomes the barriers that emerge from the structure of the centres and identifies, from scientific evidence, the facilitating factors for the development of inclusive educational practices, through an institutional culture and a school organisation that pursues the success of all students. It is concluded that the keys to favouring inclusive educational contexts for pupils with RD involve the adoption of general measures at school level, which promote the collaboration and participation of families and pupils, other specialist professionals and associations. Likewise, the complexity of the needs of pupils with RD requires a comprehensive educational response that is jointly planned with the different services that attend to these pupils, incorporating the necessary support to guarantee their presence, participation and educational achievement.
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