Impact of Artificial Intelligence on education


Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Learning, Education, Bibliometric study


This article corresponds to the results of the bibliometric analysis carried out in the Scopus database, with the aim of examining the scientific production of the incidence of technologies with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, between the years 2013 and 2023, with the aim of parameterizing these data and providing relevant information to researchers on: scientific publications, the influence they have exerted and the frequency with which they have been referenced. The study opts for a design of a descriptive nature, a non-experimental approach and the analysis that accounts for a systematic investigation that integrates and compares the results of studies on the subject, based on qualitative data and descriptive-quantitative findings. The investigations reviewed in the Scopus database in the indicated period, allow to conclude; that the use of Artificial Intelligence in education constitutes an unparalleled opportunity for education and its actors to adjust to current technological trends. In this context, teachers, apprentices, and their guardians will have to accept the challenge of updating themselves to respond to the challenges that the available tools can represent to potentiate the teaching and learning processes.


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How to Cite
Valencia Tafur, A. T., & Figueroa Molina, R. E. (2023). Impact of Artificial Intelligence on education. Educatio Siglo XXI, 41(3), 235–264.