Constructivist proposals in Didactics of Mathematics: perceptions of future teachers


Keywords: Mathematics, teaching-learning, Early Childhood Education, future teachers


The application of constructivist proposals for the teaching of Mathematics requires knowing the perception of those who learn through these activities. In this paper we present the evaluations of future Early Childhood Education teachers on a practical activity carried out from a constructivist approach. For this purpose, using a descriptive non-experimental quantitative design, a Likert scale questionnaire was administered to 168 students from a state public university enrolled in the 2022/2023 academic year. The results showed that a large majority of the participants stated that these activities help to think and construct ideas, and that, after adaptation, they would implement them in the Early Childhood Education classroom. The students indicated that these processes require time and that they recognise the teacher as a key player in the acquisition of the intended knowledge. Furthermore, they indicated that the implementation of these proposals helps them to acquire the contents of the subjects in a simpler way and to improve their attitude towards mathematics. Therefore, it is concluded that the implementation of this type of procedures should be encouraged in order to facilitate the learning and understanding of certain mathematical concepts.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Ibáñez-López, Universidad de Murcia

Administrativo Revista Educatio Siglo XXI


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How to Cite
Saá Rojo, M. D., Carrillo Gallego, D., Dólera Almaida, J., Ibáñez-López, F. J., Maurandi-López, A., & Sánchez Jiménez, E. (2025). Constructivist proposals in Didactics of Mathematics: perceptions of future teachers. Educatio Siglo XXI, 43(1), 121–142.