The Telecollaboration and Internationalization project “Hablamos” between the University of Almería and the University of Jordan
Education has recently undergone dizzying changes in which Information and communication technology (ICT) has played an important part. Besides, the health situation generated by the SARSCoV-2 pandemic has highlighted even more the importance of ICT. In this context, contact between people in different spaces and at different times emerges as a reality that has given rise to new scenarios for relationships and communication. Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) have played a decisive role in the innovation of educational frameworks, and although VLE have been used in higher education for some time, they have been boosted in these years of the pandemic. Besides, student exchange has benefited from ICT. From this perspective, this article focuses on presenting the “Hablamos Project” which is based on the principles of Telecollaboration or Intercultural Online Exchange. It is a pilot project implemented in two subjects taught respectively at the University of Almeria and the University of Jordan. The study collects the first data obtained following the implementation of this project, highlighting two essential aspects: the interaction between peers served to improve their communicative competence in different languages (Spanish-English); besides, in intercultural terms, it was useful in breaking down stereotypes and prejudice, especially with regard to the Middle East. Ultimately, this project contributed to the improvement and development of the digital competence and critical capacity of its participants, in spite of the fact that they faced some obstacles such as slow internet connection and the availability of suitable devices.
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