Active Education focused on the satisfaction of basic psychological needs as a proposal for educational equity in nursery and primary school
This exploratory study taps into an approach to equity focused on the development of pedagogical frameworks and procedures from the double perspective of active education and the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs of students. This approach has been based on the information provided by a group of teachers from early childhood and primary education centers with high equitable expectations in the Region of Murcia. The main
objective is to know and make visible some of these pedagogical frameworks and procedures that the centers are developing to guarantee inclusive and fair educational policies, especially through active education and the satisfaction of students’ needs. Among its main pedagogical proposals are paedocentrism and the promotion of an understanding of education that, in order to materialize as such, must be active and respectful of the needs and interests of the recipients. The information was collected through individual semi-structured interviews. The informants come from four educational centers, two public and two private, with a sample of 12 teachers. The main conclusions drawn include: a heightened understanding of
the ultimate meaning of education; the strengthening of teaching functions focused on emotional accompaniment; teaching and evaluation focused on observation, monitoring, guidance, orientation, facilitation of learning; and the organization and collaborative planning of suitable
learning environments.
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