Analysis of the pedagogical relationships between teachers in Compulsory Secondary Education: an experience through photo-elicitation


Keywords: Compulsory Secondary Education, lifelong learning, pedagogical relations, photo-elicitation, emotional ties


The aim of this article is to analyze teachers' interpersonal relationships and their pedagogical dimension through photo-elicitation. We start from a theoretical and conceptual analysis of pedagogical relationships, understood as the emotional ties that are built between the people who live together in an organization. This is a case study carried out in a public secondary school in Donostia-San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa). The empirical data were obtained by photo-elicitation. The results obtained help, above all, to reflect on and understand the importance of pedagogical relationships in educational spaces. They also reflect the complexity of the relationships and their capacity to condition the rest of the educational processes as a whole. Relationships are multifaceted, changeable and depend on previous teaching experiences, ideology or thinking, as well as on the  characteristics and culture of the schools.


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How to Cite
Amenabarro Iraola, E. (2023). Analysis of the pedagogical relationships between teachers in Compulsory Secondary Education: an experience through photo-elicitation. Educatio Siglo XXI, 41(2), 189–210.