Use of digital resources in the virtual teaching of STEM subjects in Foundation Courses during national lockdown


Keywords: Foundation courses, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), teaching-learning, online learning, STEM


The lockdown caused by COVID-19 led to the adoption of new virtual methodologies using digital tools. The aim of this study was to design and validate a questionnaire on the use of digital media in the virtual teaching of STEM subjects in Foundation Courses. For this purpose, a descriptive non-experimental quantitative design was used and, with the administration of the designed questionnaire, data were collected from 61 students enrolled in these courses during the academic year 2021/2022 at Northumbria University (United Kingdom). The results showed that the reliability and internal consistency of the implemented questionnaire were good (Cronbach's Alpha = .78; Composite Reliability = .79; Mean Extracted Variance = .48; Omega = .95; KMO = .64) and that in general the student body stated that they had good access to and use of digital media and smooth communication with lecturers during the placement. In addition, they stated that they had adapted favourably to virtual teaching and that they had successfully acquired subject competences. The pandemic has brought about the implementation of these new methodologies and has meant a renewal and implementation of new resources, with the consequent acquisition of digital competences by both teaching staff and students.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Ibáñez-López, Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Administrativo Revista Educatio Siglo XXI


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How to Cite
Ibáñez-López, F. J., Jose, & Maurandi-López, A. (2022). Use of digital resources in the virtual teaching of STEM subjects in Foundation Courses during national lockdown. Educatio Siglo XXI, 40(3), 179–198.