Models of professional development in people with intellectual disabilities. State of the art


Keywords: Disability, intellectual and developmental disabilities, professional development, employment, career guidance, model


Data from the World Health Organization indicate that the unemployment rate for people with disabilities can reach 80% in some countries. In Western societies, employment for people with physical or sensory disabilities is settled through inclusive practices in ordinary settings, according to the interests of the person. In the case of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, it is frequently developed through segregating and not very emancipatory practices, which severely restricts professional development options. This article develops the state of the art regarding research on the professional development of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The different studies are classified according to the six main models of professional development, where trends and main contributions are observed. Results show a low number of investigations, with a predominance of the sociocognitive approach, which is focused on self-efficacy. The conclusion highlights the need to investigate from an emancipatory perspective, which contributes to overcoming the barriers and promotes practices that advance towards social justice and equity for people with intellectual disabilities.


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Author Biography

Cristina Laborda Molla, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Profesora Titular del Departamento de Pedagogía Aplicada de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Miembro del grupo de investigación Diversidad y Orientación (DO-UAB). Ha investigado en los ámbitos de la inclusión sociocomunitaria, el ocio, la inserción laboral, la calidad de vida y la promoción de la vida autónoma de las personas con discapacidad intelectual. Actualmente desarrolla un estudio sobre el impacto de un nuevo modelo ocupacional inclusivo y territorial de personas con DI.


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How to Cite
González Ferández, H., & Laborda Molla, C. (2023). Models of professional development in people with intellectual disabilities. State of the art. Educatio Siglo XXI, 41(2), 124–146.