The moral reasoning of teachers as regards educational inclusion


Keywords: teacher training, moral development, reasoning, school integration


This study inquiries about teacher’s moral reasoning and decision making about educational inclusion in secondary schools. Exploring this topic is relevant since educators must ensure that students with and without disabilities can learn together in regular educational institutions. The methodology focused on a unique case design through which the moral arguments of teachers in training and teachers in service were investigated. The study targeted members of a teacher training institution, the Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacán (Mexico). The research instrument consisted of a hypothetical moral dilemma previously validated and, therefore, reliable, which was applied to 268 teachers selected through probabilistic sampling. The analysis of the results was carried out through the statistical program SPSS version 23.0.  The findings revealed the prevalence of conventional reasoning determined by the culture of the context and the presence of arguments, both related to the orientation of the morality of justice (as when teachers seek respect for the rights of students) and to the orientation of the morality of care (when teachers point out that their main obligation is to ensure the welfare of their students). The study also found a relationship among high levels of moral reasoning, empathic ability with positive attitudes towards people with disabilities and educational inclusion. The need to continue developing moral reasoning in future teachers is highlighted.


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How to Cite
Hernández González, M. ., Pérez Ferra, M., & Quijano López, R. (2023). The moral reasoning of teachers as regards educational inclusion. Educatio Siglo XXI, 41(2), 61–82.