“Mom, I want to leave this school”. Analyzing bullying experiences in students with functional diversity


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.506341
Keywords: Disability, interviews, focus group, inclusion, victim of bullying


Bullying is a high-prevalence problem in the classrooms of our schools. Young people with functional diversity constitute a particularly vulnerable population when they are involved in such situations. This study analyses the harassment experiences of five young people with functional diversity. To this end, five semi-structured interviews and a focus group were conducted. Participants reported having experienced verbal, physical, social and sexual harassment. The treatment of these situations by educational institutions was ineffective and the solution adopted in all cases was a change in the type of schooling. These results highlight the need to carry out teacher training and sensitization actions in students to prevent and act on bullying situations, especially when students with functional diversity are involved.


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Author Biography

Raúl Tárraga-Mínguez, Departameto de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Universitat de València.

Profesor titular de universidad.
Departameto de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Universitat de València.


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How to Cite
Castro-Álvarez, R., Gómez-Marí, I., & Tárraga-Mínguez, R. (2023). “Mom, I want to leave this school”. Analyzing bullying experiences in students with functional diversity. Educatio Siglo XXI, 41(1), 107–128. https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.506341