The use of textual organizers for reading comprehension in a target language, an experience during the Covid-19 pandemic


Keywords: reading comprehension, graphic organisers, strategies, TL


This study presents an investigation carried out in the European University of the Atlantic, Santander. Its main aim was to create a didactic proposal to improve reading comprehension in the subject of English as a Foreign Language, level 2. This proposal included the use of reading strategies and graphic organizers. Eleven texts from the textbook Macmillan English Hub B1+/ B2- were analyzed. The activities were improved by including a training in the use of reading strategies and a specific graphic organizer for every type of text. To apply the proposal, it was necessary to take a previous and a post reading test as well as 5 extra reading activities as part of the continuous evaluation. The application had to be adapted to online teaching because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The sample of the study consisted of 57 students enrolled in the Science of Sports degree and the Psychology degree. Thirty-one of these students took part in the experimental group, while the other 26 took part in the control group. The results showed that there were significant differences between these two groups. In conclusion, the use of reading strategies together with the training in the use of graphic organizers contributes to an improvement in reading comprehension.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Bejerano, L., Pérez Fernández, L. M., & Griffin, K. L. (2023). The use of textual organizers for reading comprehension in a target language, an experience during the Covid-19 pandemic. Educatio Siglo XXI, 41(1), 55–84.